The Xyte team
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Collaborate with Partners to Better Support Your Customers

AUTHOR: The Xyte team

Invite your channel partners to connect with you on the Xyte platform to facilitate greater adoption of your cloud. Xyte Connect is a new feature that empowers your partners to collaborate with you to resolve customer issues faster, and gives channel partners their own version of the Partner Portal, from which they gain an aggregated view of all customers and devices they are supporting from a single pane of glass.

Your partners can then offer remote monitoring and support for your devices, lowering truck rolls and improving operational efficiencies. It also allows them to easily scale their support services with an aggregated view of multiple customers while streamlining device operations. Acting on behalf of the end-customer, your channel partner can send commands to devices and escalate incidents into tickets.

Channel Partner - Support Overview view:

Click into the Partners tab and invite your partners. This will notify your partners that they’ve been invited to connect. All channel partners that accept your invitation to connect will receive unlimited support seats free of charge through the end of August. Your channel partners can also invite their end-users to your cloud, which helps further proliferate your cloud solution to more customers.

Please contact if you have any questions or learn more on our Xyte Connect page.

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